Have you ever stepped back and wondered what you are doing with your life? Like, what are you really doing? Do you like your job? Are you ready for Christmas? Are you concerned that the political climate of today is as unsettling as that of 1940?
Well, if there’s one thing that you won’t have to worry about, and that’s what club to join for the 2019 season!
At just £30 for a single membership and £40 for a family membership, we are proud to see the continuation of the Early Bird membership scheme for another year running! Yes, if you get your 2019 membership form to the circuit by Saturday 15th December 2018, you will qualify to save £10 on the year’s membership fees, making us, one of, if not the cheapest way to get your racing fix secured for the year.
Make sure you avoid disappointment, any membership forms received 16th of December onwards will not qualify for the £10 discount and will be required to pay £40 single, or £50 family membership, so ensure you get your membership form in as soon as you can!
So, the next time you’re on the toilet, or your thinking spot of choice, you’ll have one less thing to worry about for 2019!
You can find the 2019 Membership form here – http://www.claypigeonkartclub.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/10/Membership_Form_2019.doc
And you can find the 2019 pit space reservation form here – http://www.claypigeonkartclub.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/10/2019-PIT-SPACE-FORM.doc