Do you want to be more involved in motorsports? Have you ever wanted to play a part in running an event? Just get in touch with us via our Facebook page
The club is a group of volunteers with a love for motorsport at all levels, some of us got involved through driving in one of our events, others got involved due to a fondness for the sport. Whatever your reason, what’s stopping you?
There is always a need for marshals at our events. At the circuit, we have 6 flag marshal posts around the circuit which must be manned at all times during racing, with the addition of a relief marshal and a track maintenance marshal.
What are a marshals responsibilities?
The primary job of a flag marshal is to communicate with the drivers using a standard set of flags to help ensure everybody is safe. The most used flag is the yellow one, this tells the drivers that there is an incident ahead that the drivers need to be aware of. The relief marshal is a traveling flag marshal who’s job it is to make sure everyone gets the chance for a pee and a cuppa. The Track Maintenance marshal ensures that the circuit remains in a state fit to race by rebuilding tire walls, fixing fences and recovering stranded karts. Lastly, the Paddock Marshal is responsible for gridding the drivers correctly and ensuring the rules and safety of the pit lane is maintained
Do I need any experience to be a marshal?
No, we don’t require that you have any specific experience or previous training as we can train you in everything you need to know.
What if I don’t like it?
As its a voluntary position, there is no commitment from event to event, if you can’t marshal an event for any reason, just let us know.
Are there any perks?
Free entry and a front row seat to some of the best racing in the south-west!
Are there any other jobs I could do?
Other duties that need fulfilling are publishing results, liaising with the drivers if they have any issues, manning the gates selling tickets to spectators, gridding the karts.
What about your skilled jobs?
There are a quite a few different jobs involved in running an event, most of them are skilled positions that require specific training and licensing from the MSUK we have fully trained Stewards, Clerks, Scrutineers, Timekeepers with varying years of experience. If you are not yet licensed but are interested in one of these positions, click the links to find out more. As long as its OK with your mentor, we may have room for you as a trainee. If you are already licensed, get in touch and we can let you know if there is any availability.
I’m not available on the day as I’m a Driver/Mechanic/In Church/Washing my Hair, but I would love to help, what can I do?
The club is a not for profit organisation, basically, we are like a business, but the money we make is injected straight back into karting, whether its running an event, acquiring more equipment to make it a more enjoyable experience, or promoting the sport, it all requires a fresh set of ideas and actions to put all the pieces together, this all creates an experience that is not just enjoyable for our members, but for ourselves.
The committee get together once a month to discuss the latest news in the sport, review the previous event and plan for the next. The committee also look at how they can improve in the future. Why? – we want to give our drivers and spectators the best experience we can.
The world of motorsports are ever changing, to keep up, it takes a keen mind with a passion for motorsport. If you have what it takes, let us know.