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  • Writer's pictureAlex Downes

Up Next…

With the high of the Rotax festival starting to wear off, our eyes are now on the next round of the CPKC calendar, Round 7.

Whilst it is just another club round, we can expect a larger turnout than normal due to the British Kart Championships visiting for their penultimate Rotax Round the following week, on 17th-18th August.

Entries have been open for a few weeks now, with entries for Round 8 being opened at the closing of the Rotax Festival. Make sure you head on over to to get your entries in now.

Finally, the Rotax Festival page has been updated, mostly with huge thanks to all involved in making it another spectacular weekend of Rotax Racing. Thanks once again to everyone involved and we look forward to hosting the Rotax Festival again in 2020!

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