We knew there would be some intense racing, with everything on offer going into this final round, racing would be intense..
Everyone has given it all their blood, sweat and tears and now, all you can do is try to relax.
There is still a little bit of work to be done behind the scenes; collating tyre usage and ensuring all members who raced today are given the points they have earned, so it will be a few days before the results of the 2018 Championship is published.
If you have raced today, and you do not see any points in the Cpts column, please let us know over on Facebook to ensure we don’t miss you out.
For those of you here today, please do head over to the circuit building to celebrate those victors today.
For those of you who have been watching and listening online, thank you, once again and we hope to see you next year.
Finally, as always, our thanks go out to our Marshals, especially those who offered to fill in the gaps at the last minute. Thank you to our officials, organisers and mostly, our drivers. It was hot, heavy, but for the most part, amazing, clean racing.