I know i said to keep an eye out around 8pm, i can only apologise for being a little late, but after a month wait, what’s an extra 2 and a half hours?
Its been a long wait, but i am happy to announce that the Championship tables have been updated after the seventh round of the CPKC Championship. I promised a brief explanation as to why its late, and the shortest way of telling you is ‘compooter’.
With any computer, errors happen, in our case, its a little bug in the tyre scanning software that’s making it difficult to validate which drivers are over allocation. Due to this, we had to wait for someone to have enough time to manually collate the barcode data for each competitor to make sure those who are over allocation are reflected in the championship tables. Unfortunately, its a busy time in most of our lives, so that hasn’t come until now. – Cue our unlikely hero’s at Clay Pigeon Raceway. Our Chairman, Paul, along with Lee and Nigel from the circuit have found some time to go over the entries and check everyone off.
Both Lee and Nigel should be at the circuit this weekend, so be sure to give them a handshake, or a hug if you feel you can get away with it without a sore nose. Thank you to Clara Couch, who did volunteer to help out checking the data. We didn’t take you up on the offer as plans were already set in place to check it all out.
We have a plan moving forward until a fix is available, so hopefully there shouldn’t be such a delay in the future.
This weekend, of course, is the Cancer Research UK Fundraiser, this has been a very busy year this year, so as far as plans go, unfortunately, this one is a little thin on the ground as far as attractions go. But the fund raising spirit is still there and we will be nagging you at every possible moment to stick your hand in your pocket and make a donation to a fantastic cause. If you are at the circuit this weekend, please don’t be afraid to give generously. Entries will close at 6pm on Friday as usual and you can enter online at https://cpkc.alphatiming.co.uk/register/msa/
Thanks to you all for your patience and we look forward to seeing you at the weekend!