Due to regulation 10 of the Rotax Festival, we are unable to run Senior Max class as part of the festival. This has allowed us to dedicate more time to the O-Plate competitors and we have revised the timetable to reflect this.
To those drivers who have signed up for the Senior Max class, but not the O-Plate, if we have not been in contact with you yet, please do let us know whether you want to transfer your entry over to the O-Plate.
The revised timetable can be found at the following link, or on our desktop website on the side-bar.
Entries are still open, so if you do want to sign up for the festival, please head on over to https://cpkc.alphatiming.co.uk/register/msa. If you want to enter the O-Plate, please ensure you change your class to the O-Plate class.