Pigeon Post Round 1 – March 2016
Welcome to Clay Pigeon Kart Club for the start of the 2016 Championship. There is some very important information you should familiarise yourself with before we begin racing.
Obviously the ground floor of the new circuit clubhouse is now open, but unfortunately there have been delays in opening the first floor cafe/viewing area, but we hope this will be open for the April meeting.
The end of year prize of a new (66 registered) Mazda 2 SEL, worth £13,000 on the road, is only open to club members – so if you haven’t joined the club, JOIN TODAY. The terms and conditions of this prize are on the Win the Car flyer on the reception counter.
There are one or two pit spaces still available so if you could like to rent one for the year see John Barton (Environmental Scrutineer).
Throughout the year we have visiting championships which include FP4 Challenge, Rotax Regional Championship, two rounds of the TKM Championship also the Inter-Services Championship. We welcome this month the FP4 Challenge.
IMPORTANT INFORMATION regarding new MSA and Championship Regulations.
CHAMPIONSHIP TYRE REGULATION – If you are participating in the 2016 Clay Pigeon Club Championship, the maximum number of tyres you are allowed to use is 4 sets (not Cadets). Please read the regulations which will be explained at drivers briefing.
RACE ‘N’ RESPECT – Like all clubs we are supporting the MSA initiative to enable all of us to enjoy a friendly sporting meeting without listening to, and watching, verbal and physical abuse. Our Race ‘N’ Respect Officer is Martyn Sheppard, so if you have any abusive or bad language to report, please approach Martyn first and he will deal with it as necessary.
DETACHABLE FRONT FAIRING (MSA Regulation U17.1.6) – We are sure you are all aware of te above regulation mandatory from the 1st March 2016 which now, if detached, attracts a penalty of 10 seconds. Again this regulation will be explained at drivers briefing.
WHITE LINES (U12.5.3) – Please read the regulations in the blue book to familiarise yourself with this regulation.
STARTS – You must stay on your gridded side of the yellow start lines until you have passed under the start-light gantry. Remember there are cameras watching all starts.
DOGS AND OTHER PETS – If you have to bring your pet to the race meeting you must abide by Regulation E2.1.2 in your MSA Yearbook,. You must also clear up after your pets.
Well that’s all for now, enjoy your day and the committee wish you a successful new Championship year.
P.S. If you would like to help in the organising of our race meetings by joining our committee or wish to train as a licensed official which the MSA desperately need, please speak to your Chairman Paul Skipp, or Treasurer Ian Rennison.