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  • Writer's pictureAlex Downes


Shakedown being the operative word! On behalf of all of us at Clay Pigeon Kart Club I would just like to thank all of our die-hard karters and officials who braved the weather this weekend and provided an excellent event in the face of adversity. Sunshine, torrential rain, snow and hailstones alongside legendary battering winds that were complimented by sporadic powercuts all weekend made for a truly challenging first attempt at being the new Competition Secretary. But, I LOVED it, and seeing everyone smiling all weekend no matter what was thrown at them made me realise I had made the right choice. Clay is the best place to be! So thank you all for your words of encouragement and amazing support all weekend.

We have hopefully uncovered any remaining little niggles in the new system and they will all be ironed out in time for our first championship round on March 9th. Online entry is currently disabled for management updates but it should be operational again by the weekend for any early entries.

23 Senior TKM 's on the grid this weekend at Clay Pigeon Kart Club, and it's not even a championship race!!!

23 Senior TKM’s on the grid this weekend at Clay Pigeon Kart Club, and it’s not even a championship race!!!

Everyone loves watching a good race at Clay!

Everyone loves watching a good race at Clay!     for the latest race results

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