It’s just 2 weeks and change until the next milestone of the 2019 season – the Rotax Festival, supported by J.A.G Rotax, we have the ‘E’ Plates on offer for ALL Rotax Classes!
Not just that, but there is NO premium for the event either, with entry fees being exactly that of any other club meeting, at £60 with CPKC members at £50!

With all that in mind, we have taken the decision to cap the entries for the Rotax Festival to 42 drivers per class grouping. Whilst we would love to just keep the entries rolling in1, we still want to give you some resemblance of value for money. Therefore, the caps have been applied and entries will be on a first-come-first-served basis.
The caps will apply in the following groupings: Cadets (Honda and IAME combined) Minimax Junior Max Senior Max 177 (Max and Masters combined) Formula Blue
Entries are already rolling in, with Junior Max, for example, already at 19 entries as of writing this post. So, it goes without saying, if you haven’t yet entered for Round 6, incorporating the Rotax Festival, get your entry in as soon as you read this to avoid missing out!